a family walking toward their farmhouse as the sunsets

Starting a Small Family Farm: Tips and Best Practices



1. Define Your Vision and Goals

Purpose: Before you begin, understand why you’re starting this farm. Is it to provide food for your family, to generate income, or perhaps both? Your purpose will dictate many of your decisions down the line.

Short-term vs. Long-term Goals: While your immediate goal might be to harvest a particular crop or raise a certain number of livestock, think about where you want your farm to be in 5 or 10 years. Setting both short-term and long-term goals will help you strategize effectively.

2. Start Small

Manageable Scale: Beginning on a smaller scale allows you to make mistakes without catastrophic consequences. It also lets you understand the nuances of farming without feeling overwhelmed.

Experiment: Starting small gives you the flexibility to experiment with different crops or livestock to see what works best for your land and market.

3. Choose the Right Land

Soil Testing: Before purchasing land or deciding on crops, get the soil tested. This will inform you about its nutrient content and pH level, helping you make informed decisions about fertilization and crop selection.

Water Access: Ensure your land has reliable access to clean water. This is crucial for irrigation, livestock, and other farm activities.

4. Invest in Quality Equipment

Research: Don’t just buy the first tractor or plow you see. Research different brands, read reviews, and perhaps even talk to other farmers about their equipment recommendations.

Maintenance: Quality equipment can last a lifetime if properly maintained. Regularly clean, oil, and check your tools and machinery for signs of wear.

5. Focus on Soil Health

Organic Matter: Regularly add organic matter like compost or manure to your soil. This improves its structure, water retention, and nutrient content.

Crop Rotation: Rotating crops prevents soil-borne diseases and pests from building up and can improve soil fertility.

6. Diversify Your Farm

Multiple Income Streams: By diversifying, you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. If one crop fails or there’s a disease outbreak in one livestock type, you’ll have other sources of income.

Ecological Benefits: Diverse farms can be more resilient to pests and diseases. Different crops and animals can complement and benefit each other in various ways.

7. Keep Detailed Records

Digital vs. Paper: Decide on a system that works for you. While many farmers still prefer traditional record-keeping, there are numerous farm management software options available.

Regular Updates: Set aside time each week to update your records. This habit will prove invaluable when making decisions or assessing your farm’s progress.

8. Connect with Other Farmers

Local Workshops: Attend workshops or seminars in your area. These can be excellent opportunities to learn new techniques and meet experienced farmers.

Online Communities: Join online forums or social media groups related to farming. They can be a treasure trove of information and support.

9. Stay Updated with Market Trends

Consumer Preferences: Understand what consumers in your area prefer. Are organic vegetables in demand? Is there a market for free-range eggs?

Adaptability: Markets change, and successful farmers adapt. Regularly assess market trends and be willing to adjust your strategies accordingly.

10. Prioritize Sustainability

Renewable Energy: Consider investing in renewable energy sources like solar panels or wind turbines for your farm operations.

Conservation Practices: Implement water conservation techniques, such as drip irrigation or rainwater harvesting, to ensure sustainable water use.

Remember, farming is as much about passion and dedication as it is about knowledge and strategy.

tractor pulling a harrow

DIY Harrow for Small Family Farms: How and Why to Build Your Own


Cultivating soil is both a science and an art. And in this spectrum of farming techniques, the humble harrow stands out as a staple. But why is it important, and how can a small family farm create one without breaking the bank? Let’s find out.

Why a Harrow is Essential:
A harrow is indispensable for several reasons:

  1. Aeration: Soil, like us, needs its oxygen. Harrowing aerates the soil, ensuring plant roots get vital air.
  2. Smoothing the Surface: Post-plowing, soil can be clumpy. A harrow gives you that even surface, crucial for seeding.
  3. Nutrient Spread: Have manure or compost? A harrow ensures it’s spread evenly, giving plants consistent nutrients.
  4. Weed Management: Early-stage weeds stand little chance against a harrow, giving crops an uninterrupted growth environment.

Crafting Your DIY Harrow: A Step-by-Step Guide

We’ll build a harrow similar to what you see here on Amazon.


  • Chain Link Fence: Opt for a heavy-duty variety, measuring 4 feet by 6 feet.
  • Steel Angle Bars: Two, each being 4 feet in length.
  • U-bolts: Four, complete with nuts.
  • Tow Chain: Steel-based, about 6 feet long.
  • D-rings: Two, heavy-duty.
  • Welder: Optional but recommended for durability.
  • Bolts and Nuts: For securing various components.
  • Washers: Large ones, optional for added weight.

Detailed Build Instructions:

  1. Preparation: Clear a workspace and lay down the chain link fence. Ensure it’s flat without any curls at the edges.
  2. Frame Attachment: Place the steel angle bars parallelly on each of the shorter sides of the chain link fence. This will form the frame of your harrow.
  3. Securing the Chain Link:
    a. Align the U-bolts so they’re evenly spaced along the angle bars.
    b. Loop the U-bolts around the chain link and the angle bars.
    c. Tighten the nuts ensuring the fence is firmly sandwiched between the U-bolt base and the nuts.
  4. Setting up the Tow Points:
    a. On one end of each angle bar, weld or bolt the D-rings, ensuring they’re centered. This is where the harrow will attach to the tractor or mower.
    b. Connect the tow chain to each D-ring. This should create a V-shaped tow setup for balanced pulling.
  5. Additional Weight (If Needed):
    a. Gauge the weight of your harrow by lifting it slightly. If it feels too light, it might not effectively penetrate the soil.
    b. To add weight, evenly distribute and bolt large washers or specific weights across the chain link surface. This will improve the harrow’s soil engagement.
  6. Testing and Towing: Before taking it to the field, test the harrow in a small patch. Adjust weights if needed. Attach the apex of the V-shaped tow chain to your riding mower or tractor, ensuring it’s secure, and you’re ready to harrow!

Constructing a harrow might seem like a task, but with a bit of effort, it’s a rewarding endeavor. Not only will you save on costs, but there’s a unique satisfaction in using tools made with one’s own hands. So this season, let your DIY harrow be the star of your cultivation process!